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 Name: Compound Ganoderma Oral Liquid for Mood Health


Strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, nourish the heart and tranquilize the mind. For insomnia, dreaminess, palpitation, amnesia, fatigue and loss of appetite caused by deficiency of both heart and spleen.



[Usage and Dosage]

Take orally, 15ml per time, 1 ~ 2 times daily. The course of treatment was 15 days.

[Adverse Reactions]

Occasionally mouth feels dried.


Pregnant women and those with exogenous fever is forbidden to use it.


  1. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and spicy and greasy food.
  2. Keep your mood optimistic and avoid being angry.
  3. There is a small amount of precipitate in the product after being stored for a long time, which can be taken after shaking well without affecting the drug efficacy.
  4. Those with serious chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease and kidney disease should take it under the guidance of doctors. 
  5. You should go to the hospital if the symptoms did not alleviate after 7 days of medication.
  6. Children should take it under the guidance of doctors.
  7. It is forbidden for those who are allergic to it, and cautious for those with allergic constitution.
  8. Please do not use this product when its properties change.
  9. Children must be used under adult guardianship.
  10. Please keep this product out of children's reach.
  11. Please consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this product if you are using other medicines.


Brown glass bottles, 15mL each. 6 or 8 bottles/box.

[Expiry Date]

24 Months

[Approval No.]

B20070527(National Medicine Standard) 
